• By Halleys clinic

Chapter- 1 ‘Bond of life’

Every year started with a sunrise and ended with a sunset. All the seasons came and went and then came again. Neither there was a music nor there were lyrics to be sung. The clock although never stopped but my time had stalled long ago. The eyes could see but lost its will to do so. There were neither words nor any talk that was left. My life was like that wooden stick that lost the hope to ever reach the shore, it kept shifting and turning with the tides. Be it night or morning, be there feast or an empty plate; nothing mattered anymore.

The one with the powers to stir up the sky or go against the world, was forced to kneel in front of those who perished in years but stole his will of life. Was it the lesson god wanted to teach me? The proud me, who thought he was invincible. My sin must be huge for him to be so cruel to me; for him to take away everything but not my life.

The most invincible guy in town of light failed to protect the only light he had in his life, while everybody he trusted stood there laughing. The one who taught him to trust also became the one who showed him the other side.

The day I wished for the first time; was the day everything was taken away from me. The day I wished to live was the day I died… It’s been a century now and still I lie in the dark with my mind far away from me, there in the time where it lived for the first time.

“Want to hear something?” Navi called me from behind. The guy who owns the building I live in, the one I gave to his father. His family is world famous for their scientific ideas and inventions, the ones I have least interest in.

“You coming?” he asked again, his voice filled with excitement just like the time when he invented that machine that made him world famous.

I turned to look at him trying to make a face that looks interested, while he was jumping behind the pillar.

“You don’t need to fake it; you will smile for real after knowing what I made this time.”

“What is it?”

“A time machine.”

“What’s that?”

“You have lived for years but I can’t understand why you didn’t study anything.”

“If it’s nothing important, I will go back.”

“It is, listen to me first.”


“It can help you go back to see her again.” “I mean you can go back in time to see her. Maybe this time you can…”

I was so furious that I caught him by his collar without understanding the gibberish he was saying, “Navi, anything but no joke regarding it.”

“Okay..okay..I am sorry; put me down first, then only I can explain you.”

“The purple gem that you gave me, if used with my understanding of quantum theory, it could bridge the gap that is existing in the science books.” He coughed looking at my angry face, “let me finish first, using this machine you can go back a century in the time where you have been living all these years. You can go back and save her this time.”

“Her soul perished with the curse that was meant for me, she can’t even be reincarnated, where will I find her?”

“She is not here in present but she will be there in the past, the one that you lived.”

“I don’t still understand but if it can make me see her, I will do anything.”

“I know, just a little test more and it will be ready. We don’t know how safe it will be …I think”

“Don’t think, just get it ready.”

Navi was staring me in disbelief, “I never saw you smile before, Lord you are pretty.”

“I also don’t know when I smiled last.”

“I feel bad now.” He mumbled.

“Why?” I asked.

“I got excited at a mere hope, what if I fail you.”

“That ‘mere hope’ means everything to me. But I will not blame you even if it fails; this despair is part of me, it won’t go away in this lifetime.” I scoffed at myself.

“I will do my best.”

“But Navi who told you about her, I didn’t say anything?”

“Father told me that there was someone you wanted to save but couldn’t. He already started this project back then.”

I caressed his hair with love, “What else do you know?”

It must be the first time when that young guy and I talked for so long. I was in disbelief; I was happy but afraid that what if this dream will break in pieces.

Days later, finally I could leave, that emotional guy hugged me as if I was never coming back, even asking me to wait a few months more. He couldn’t understand how eager I was to reach there; how afraid I was that it might fail and yet I stood in that spherical globe with the purple gem kept at the centre of its heart. I closed my eyes, my heart was throbbing with pain, my blood started to flow at higher speed; my head started to ache as if it was about to explode. That machine started to break in pieces making voice so loud to break the ears, mine were even more sensitive. I felt like dying, my bones were breaking in pieces, little before I could feel anything, I fell unconscious.

When I opened my eyes, I was unable to feel my limbs. I turned to look around the machine was shattered around. It was raining heavily, before my eyes shut down again, I tried to look further and further. My eyes were so heavy to be kept open, but I wanted to make sure where I was? Even if I died, I would want to die at the place I always wanted to return to. I closed my eyes in peace when I recognized the wind, the one I longed for years.

When I woke up after days, there was still some life left inside me. My feet were trembling but before all, there was one place which I wanted to run to.

I dragged my body, walked like a mad man, just for one gaze. I looked here and there, turned to see; there were many faces but not the one I was looking for.

It’s been years, but I couldn’t forget those eyes even for a second. My heart stopped when she passed from there, her hairs swirling with the wind and her face glowing with a pretty smile. I had never imagined I would see her again, as if we never separated, all those years were just a bad nightmare. My legs were trembling, I fell down on that bustling street. People gathered around me, disoriented me laid there with open eyes. She stopped her bicycle and came to see me. With a worrisome look she asked someone to call a doctor. I raised my hand and she held it with her warm small hands.

“Do you want to say something? Are you okay?”

“I missed you.” I murmured.

bond of life

 Chapter 2 will soon be uploaded.

 Thank you for waiting!

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 Reach out to us – halleysclinic@gmail.com.

There is a question for you guys –

Who is ‘the lord’? – answer in the comment section.

also read Why do we miss someone?


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